A downloadable KamotoGame for Windows

A game with a cinematic that is too polished and with a well-made optimization, with incredible ports for PC, does not last more than 12 minutes, lasts approximately between 8 - 9 minutes.

The game contains an acceptable weight with the dedicated x64-bit PC versions.

The game will possibly release some dlc, it has Spanish voices, it will also have official English dubbing and many more languages than expected, I hope you like it!

The game will soon work with a graphics configurator and to choose the language of both Dubbing and texts and other things that can be read.

The game took us approximately 4 months to develop, it wasn't a lot of hard work honestly, but if you could comment on this game it would be very useful to me.


Komoto 942 MB

Install instructions

Extract file (.RAR) and open folder to open game name "Kamoto"

Development log

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